Reserve Fund Studies

Reserve Fund Studies
In Alberta Reserve Fund Studies are required by law every 5 years. The condominium property act says that this study must be completed by a qualified person or company.
My services include:
Visit site and determine the condition and quantity of all common property.
Prepare and submit a report to the client outlining and discussing the common property. Include recommendations for Reserve Fund contributions based on the findings.
Discuss findings with the board and make revisions to the report.
Technical Audits
Technical audits are the detailed inspection of one specific component. Technical audits can be completed for:
Inspection of a determined amount is conducted to review the characteristics of this component and determine any failure or deficiencies.
Recommendations and costs are included for repair.
Other Services
Document Review - are you buying a condominium and not sure what you should be looking for in the documents? Do you know which documents you should have? Documents that should be reviewed include: meeting minutes, reserve fund study, budget, etc. I can help.
Education - Board education is the most important thing you can do for your condominium. Is your board operating within the boundaries of the Condominium Property Act? I can offer education on many condominium related topics.
Consulting - Sometimes you just need help. Other consulting services include: chairing AGM's, etc.
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